Friday, April 17, 2015

The Gospel Displays Its Power through the EMS! - Jong-Sang Park, Hanmaum Church -

 In emergency situations, I saw more than the patients' physical illnesses and accidents. The bigger emergency was their spiritual state. As I experienced countless emergency situations, I also experienced the Bible verse which states that the world is under the control of the evil one. 

I pray for people who are under oppression and captivity as I carry them on my back, help them walk, or give them emergency treatment. And I think to myself, what I feel now must be like the compassion that Jesus felt when He healed all the sick people and saw those who are lost and wandering. 

I can't help but pray for all the people who have not yet met the true Lord of their lives—the risen Jesus. That's because if they met their true Lord, they would be freed from all of these diseases and pains and enjoy eternal life. 

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