Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Gospel Saved My Classroom! -Bo-Kyung Kim, Hanmaum Church-

 This is a testimony about how a classroom that was falling apart was revived through the gospel. It provides a solution as to how a teacher who is Christian can guide their students. 

From the testimony:

"On the day I met my students for the first time, I came into the classroom excited, only to discover that my class was like a jungle with no order or rules. Even though they were in the fifth grade, they spoke and behaved however they wanted and ran around the classroom and hallways like wild horses.

"During class, I would say, 'Sit down! Be quiet!'

"Then they would talk back to me, saying, 'Why do we need to?' or 'It’s none of your business.'

"When they did that, I almost exploded, but I tried to reason with them and had a conversation with a student individually. I asked him, 'What do you want me to do for you?' 

"Then the child said, 'Go to another school! Our class is messed up because of you!'...

"And then I prayed about the problems I had with my students. God let me realize that I had had such a hard time because I had been my own lord at school. Until then, I had thought that the troubles of our class had been my students’ fault…"

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