Monday, September 21, 2015

I Was Addicted to Studying! - Hyeri Jung, Hanmaum Church -

In ninth grade, I once got a perfect score on all of my school exams. That was when I got hooked on studying. 

Once I got a perfect score on all of my exams, that became my standard of excellence. So after that, even if I got one question wrong and still ranked first in my class, I wasn't satisfied!

I was an addict, just not in the way most people might expect. I was addicted to studying and my academic scores. But when I looked deep inside this desire to study, I realized that it had been all about my greed for recognition. It was all about me, me, and more me. When I repented this arrogance before God, everything became new and filled with joy and thanks! 

For me, the most amazing change is that I'm no longer controlled by my studies and my scores!


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